“After the Storm: Re-narrating the US Capitol storming in Germany’s right-wing media ecosystem” (w. N. Doerr). Panel session of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Online, August 30-September 3.

“Between Anarchy and Order: Digital campaigning heuristics in hybrid media environments” (w. A. Schäfer). Annual Weizenbaum Conference “Democracy in Flux – Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres.” Berlin, Germany/Online, July 17-18, 2021.

“How do social movements move in pandemic contexts? Examining climate justice mobilizations in times of COVID-19” (w. M. Neuber). WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Digital Colloquium “Sociological Perspectives on the Corona-Pandemic,” Online, March 10.


“Lifeworld Disruption and the Demand for Populist Mobilization: A different take on a dialogue between scholars of social movements and populism.” Invited presentation at the Institute for the Study of Protest and Social Movements (ipb, Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung), Berlin, Germany ‘Politics from Below’ Colloquium.  May 7.


“Portraying the Popular Will: Rhetoric of “the people,” polls, and bystanders in mass media issue coverage.” Paper presented on panel session (Populism, Performance, and the Media) at the Conference on Populism and Citizenship, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. July 6-8.


“Speaking for the Public: The reportorial construction of consensus and controversy in the American abortion debate.” Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity, Lecture Series on Citizenship, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.  December 1.

“Joining the Fray? Journalists’ use and attribution of outrage rhetoric in abortion coverage.” Paper presented at a panel session of the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Seattle, WA. August 20-23.


“Outrage Rhetoric in the Newspaper Coverage of the American Abortion Debate.” Invited paper presented at a panel session of the Young Scholars in Social Movements Conference, Center for the Study of Social Movements, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.  May 2.

“Media and Movements.” Invited talk for Social Movements course, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, July 8.


“Guise of Neutrality: The Role of Neutral Discourse and Journalists in Framing the Abortion Debate” (w. E. M. Evans, M. M. Ferree, and T. Müller). Paper presented at a panel session (Social Movements and Media; Moderator: Neal Caren) of the American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. August 16-19.

“Newspaper Images of Protest: The pictorial framing of Occupy Wall Street” (w. M. Neuber & D. Snow). Paper presented at a panel session (Framing, Legitimation, and Self-Presentation; Moderator: Clayton Childress) of the Media Sociology Preconference of the ASA annual meeting, Oakland, CA. August 15.


“Staying Above the Fray: Journalists’ use of neutral rhetoric in the Abortion debate” (w. E. Evans and M.M. Ferree). Paper presented at a panel session (Moderator: Sarah Sobieraj) of the Media Sociology Preconference of the ASA annual meeting, New York, NY. August 9.

“World Society, International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), and Political Participation” (w. J. Kerrissey and E. Schofer). Paper presented at round table session of the American Sociological Association annual meeting, New York, NY. August 10-13.


“Civic Associations and Protest: A cross-national comparison” (w. E. Schofer). Paper presented at panel session of the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Denver, CO, August 17-20.

“Follow the Leader? The influence of the civil rights movement on the coverage of the feminist, antiwar, and supremacist movements, 1957 –1997.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Denver, CO, August 17-20.


“Voluntary Associations and Economic Inequality” (w. E. Schofer). Paper presented on panel session at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, August 20-23.

“Set in Stories: Standing and demands in the newspaper coverage of SMOs, and the Townsend Plan” (w. E. Amenta, A. Tierney, and T. Elliott). Paper presented on panel session at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, August 20-23.


“Is the Web Creating New Reasons to Protest?” (w. F. Polletta, P.C.B. Chang, and Alice Motes). Paper presented on panel session at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 8-11.